header transperent guna gimp2

ade dak comel di mintax tolong ajar kan buat header comel cm fie punya  .

comel ke fie punya ? haha .. thankz adik jieyaa 

we start now . 

first kita download  PHOTO SCAPE and GIMP2
kita pergi dekat photo scape . 
editor - menu - new photo - 
width 600 - height 320 

now kat gimp2 .. download gimp2 tau . sama cm photo shop . tapi lagi mudah . 
mula- mula open file 

look at this picture

then you pilih gambar .
then you tngok picture kat bawah nie

did you see the red one  ???you clik at the white background
and then you clik right clik choose layer - transparency - add alpha channel
if youu done you do like this

you clik that pic look like .
dan you padam semua yang berwarna putih di belakang gambar tersebut .
then . you clik save as
 and this picture show what want to do if ypu clik save as

and that name you must put fienaz.png oke .
dont put any word like fienaz.jpk or fienaz.jpg
and this picture show

you just choose
save resolution and save cretion time .
oke . and clik save . its done . and put in your header

sorry jika perkataan sya bercampur aduk and harap paham
and ade papae masaalah sila tnye .
gimp2 untuk lebih mudah kita lakukan sebelum mengunakan  photo shop .

Thank you for reading. Like and Comment if you may

1 budak comel:

Noniy Jieyaa said...

akak ! Jieya takpaham la ? Haha sorry . Sampai GIMP tuh langosng takpaham sbb Jieya taktahu benda tuh dkt mana . Takde pun dkt photoscape dia . Haduih , pening den -,-

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